Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Are newspapers doomed?

Michael Kinsley, the now infamous former editor for the LA Times offers this perspective on the future of newspapers. On the surface it sounds a bit like sour grapes, but he does have a few solid points in there. Like this one:

The "me to you" model of news gathering--a professional reporter, attuned to the fine distinctions between "off the record" and "deep background," prizing factual accuracy in the narrowest sense--may well give way to some kind of "us to us" communitarian arrangement of the sort that thrives on the Internet.

He also makes the same typical mistakes that big media-types tend to make: that all bloggers are the same - navel gazing morons who talk about their own personal hygiene and whatever else suits them. Good bloggers may not be smacking him in the face, but shouldn't a seasoned vet like him be able to distinguish?


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