Wednesday, September 20, 2006

The winners and losers of Web 2.0

Wired News has released a short article about the Web 2.0 winners and losers. It's kind of funny. They gave us a similar listing that I posted a few weeks ago, and now they've decided to write up a little on some of the companies. One lesson to take away from all of it is to not try to do too much. The winners on here had an idea, they implemented it, and that's all. The losers, as I see it, tried to make more out of the web than is possible. A social networking site that, instead of letting you meet people and networking from there, forces you to meet someone new? Weird. Of course, there's the obligatory MySpace-as-a-loser reference. Again, I hardly think so.

Also, Writely is really cool.


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